Organizations / Projects

Each Csper Projects correspond to a website. Organizations are a collection of Projects.


csper content security policy projects

Organization is a collection of Csper projects

Each website should have it's own Csper project. Different environments (dev, staging, prod) of the same website should also have their own Csper project.

Each project in Csper gets it's own report-uri endpoint.

Conceptually the following "resources" belong to a project;

  • report-uri endpoints: the urls that collect csp reports
  • reports: the violation reports
  • policies: the content security policies extracted from reports
  • alerts: events that can be triggered based on reports
  • users: a collection of users that can READ/WRITE/ADMIN a project


collection of content security policy projects

Organization view of projects

Organizations are a collection of related projects. They give a heads up view of multiple projects at once.

Organizations are responsible for the following "resources":

  • projects all projects must belong to an organization
  • billing one single billing profile for multiple projects
  • users a collection of admin users that can READ/WRITE/ADMIN any project
Announcing Organizations

Introducing Csper Organizations, a new consolidated view for managing multiple applications with content security policy. Enhanced access management, consolidated billing and more.


Documentation on the report-uri endpoint for each Csper project

Search / Filter

Documentation on the Csper search and filtering capabilities